Anthony Silva

Web / Application developer. Science, news, tech, research, photography.

  • Welcome

    It feels like every 1-2 years I switch my site around and go between WordPress or a simple static site. Nonetheless welcome, lol. This site is going to be more personal, somewhere I can put my brain garbage and worry less about judgment. This site will have my thoughts on new age tech, development resources, ideas, and updates on the projects that I’m actively working on.

    Recently I’ve been extremely involved in running an old game from the early 2000’s called Habbo. While the game still exists (rather extremely updated) it doesn’t have that early charm that the earlier versions had. This game is running on Adobe Shockwave which is extremely dated. Luckily there’s a strong community actively finding ways to unpackaged old Shockwave files (DCRs CCTs etc.) and run old software like Adobe Director to continue building on this old tech. Most of this software running the hotel was rebuilt by another active developer and is open source. Some screen shots linked below.

    Homepage of

    This game is a sim pixel style game with a full economy and a lot of in game customization. This instance of Casper Hotel is running on r31 released in 2009. I have another site running V1 released in 2000-2001. Screen shots below.

    This is running on 12 different ports. Each public room on the Navigator had it’s own port in V1.

    Anyways that’s the end of this post. This is what I’m actively working on. Expect more post in the future. 🙂